High Street online survey – please complete by the 31 May 2022

by | May 18, 2022

The High Street Strategy group, set up by the Cricklade Development Foundation and Cricklade Town Council, has launched an online survey to find out your views on Cricklade High Street.  The deadline for completion is the 31 May 2022.  It’s anonymous and should only take 5 to 10 minutes of your time – just click on this link to complete the survey:

The survey may be completed by residents, those living in outlying villages, and visitors to Cricklade– whatever your age.  All contribute towards the vibrancy of our High Street, and all views are valid.

This is likely the first stage of a series of surveys. Paper, street based, and business surveys are expected to follow at a later date so that all parts of the community will have their opportunity to have a say.   The High Street Strategy group has already secured a £5,000 grant from the Area Board for town enhancements, and it’s hoped this online survey may help to unlock further government funds in due course.

So, if you think, like us, that Cricklade should do its best to retain a vibrant and viable High Street, please take this opportunity and complete the online survey today – and encourage others with an interest in Cricklade to do so too!

Thank you for your time.