Things are moving quickly!
Things are moving quickly:
§ We remain on target to exchange on the property next month
§ We’re getting closer to finalising some initial development plans which we hope to discuss with the planning authorities soon, before proceeding to a full application
§ We’ve produced and delivered a leaflet with application form to very nearly all homes in Cricklade – and we’ll complete the remainder in the next week
§ As soon as we have a positive response from the planning authorities we’ll begin to contact potential contractors
And we say a big welcome to our new members, thank you for joining and for your interest in, and commitment to, Cricklade High Street. But we’d love more of you to join and we need more of you to join, to give us your input and ideas and to help ensure a new future for the police station.
Frankly speaking, we need your help. We need to raise £200,000 (stretch £250,000) to develop and transform the police station, bring back an underused property into the heart of the community, increase our commercial/retail offering, increase employment opportunities and hopefully provide a small residential offering for local people at below market rent.
If you haven’t seen a leaflet yet or if you’ve received one but would like more (for family/friends), just contact us and we’ll get it sorted. If you prefer you can download one from the website and complete and return it. So, if you’re thinking of becoming a member please don’t hold back, please join now and ask your friends and neighbours to do the same.
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