High Street Survey Results!
Did you complete the recent Resident/Visitor High Street online survey? Well, if you did, you were in good company. There were 432 responses in total – an excellent result and well beyond expectations. So a big thank you to all that took part. A summary of the main findings has been sent to Cricklade Town Council, who have noted and accepted the report. You can view it here on our website: Report
It’s clear from the survey findings that our community really values the High Street and what it offers. Encouragingly for CDF, the survey shows that the community’s priorities are also in tune with what we are trying to achieve with the renovation of the Old Police Station. Not a great surprise really as CDF has sprung from – and is part of – the community it serves. However, it provides some reassurance that the community would like to see more businesses on the High Street, and more spaces to socialise – exactly what the Old Police Station project intends to deliver.
Beyond the summary report, there is a wealth of further information and interesting suggestions made by respondents. This will be reviewed in detail when the High Street Strategy group (a partnership of CDF and Cricklade Town Council) gets together shortly. It is hoped the survey findings will help to unlock funding from Wiltshire Council’s ‘Towns Programme.’ This is a new scheme set up to help rejuvenate Wiltshire’s market towns. It’s early days and details of the initiative are still sketchy – but it is hoped there will be benefits for both our High Street and some local businesses, so watch this space!
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